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手足之争的影评 · · · · · · ( 全部 6 条 )

Knife_刀砸 2016-07-16 22:46:12



看完有点小失望……本来是当作【传记电影】看的…但是总体感觉真的不大像hhh 怎么说呢 我觉得编剧其实没毛病 导演有点草率了…全片几乎没有“XX年后” “XX月后”的字样 但是时间线变得特别快…都有点懵逼了 讲道理就是感觉拍成了流水账 一件一件事都讲过了 但重点突出要表现的...  (展开)

您解决 2022-06-21 14:14:37

有点看的不认真哈, 可能没有太吸引我


但是还是很不错的, 里面是创业故事,主人公之前感情事业上的相互猜忌等内容, 最后还是分开了, 但是在很多方面也是有相互照顾的时候,毕竟是亲戚, 后面合并也是有可能的 💁想要成功是多方面的因素结合的, 不同领域都是需要有才能的人 💁疯子基因其实挺好的, 都很成功 💁孩子...  (展开)

罗伊的天蓝 2020-02-28 00:16:20



已经三刷了,说实话看了才知道原来Adidas和Puma原来是一家。 影片讲述了达斯勒两兄弟白手起家,一同创业运动鞋品牌达斯勒,最终因长期理念不合分家,各自创立Adidas和Puma的故事。 哥哥鲁迪具备独到的生意头脑,拥有自己的营销方式和创业蓝图,所有一切都为销量服务,是个十足...  (展开)

远方 2022-06-09 09:04:15


在商言商,对于从业者来说,商业逻辑是一个简单直白的逻辑,赚钱与利润才是根本,只要是能产生利润,就可以在一定范围内不管不顾。当然,也有人愿意背离这个逻辑去创造别的商业特征,这是后话,大多数商人对于利益是比较看重的,只要是能获得利益,哪管身后洪水滔天,因此,也...  (展开)

我是粉红豹 2018-04-14 22:56:16



--可能我真就是一个傻子,可我真的能看到那个画面,世界一流的运动员穿着我的鞋。我想做出完美的鞋,而且我知道我能做出来,我知道我能做到。 --那我给你个建议,你和我,我们一起来干。你来做鞋,我来卖。 阿迪达斯和彪马的创业史,亲兄弟鲁迪阿迪,一个是精明的商人,一个是...  (展开)

做事不能设假设 2016-08-31 14:18:33


两个传奇品牌的渊源故事!里约奥运会在经历了会前各种不靠谱之后终于开幕了,而中国队万年不变的番茄炒蛋队服继续成为今年的槽点担当。相比之下,第二次启用AdidasbyStellaMcCartney的设计作为队服的英国队显然不知道高到哪里去。作为这两个牌子的死忠,笔者对于这条兼具性能和...  (展开)

> 更多影评 6篇

  • Cast & crew
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  • 20102010
  • MA15+MA15+
  • 1h 56m

Based on the story of Micky Ward, a fledgling boxer who tries to escape the shadow of his more famous but troubled older boxing brother and get his own shot at greatness.Based on the story of Micky Ward, a fledgling boxer who tries to escape the shadow of his more famous but troubled older boxing brother and get his own shot at greatness.Based on the story of Micky Ward, a fledgling boxer who tries to escape the shadow of his more famous but troubled older boxing brother and get his own shot at greatness.

  • See production, box office & company info

    • 496User reviews
    • 411Critic reviews
    • 79Metascore

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  • Videos7

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    A winner!

    "O the joy of the strong-brawn'd fighter, towering in the arena in perfect condition, conscious of power, thirsting to meet his opponent." Walt Whitman

    Mark Wahlberg has achieved a career high with The Fighter, not so much for his acting, which is eclipsed by a supportive cast that would be hard to beat in the Oscar race, but because he fought for years to bring the story of Lowell, Mass. to the screen. He caught perfectly the blue-collar town's karma and their devotion to the fighting brothers, "Irish" Mickey Ward (Wahlberg) and Dicky Eklund (Christian Bale).

    Director David O. Russell has assembled this cast around the idea that a town in the shadow of Boston can become world famous as its sons become winners in the ring. But then, Stallone did more for Philadelphia as Rocky, so what's the big deal? Like Ben Affleck's excellent thriller this year about Boston in The Town, Fighter captures place and struggle in equal dramatic measure as filmmakers take a close look at the working class's struggles over the last 30 years. While Million Dollar Baby (2004) focused on trainer and fighter and Cinderella Man (2005) gave a microscopic view of a troubled fighter and his small family, The Fighter does all of that with a vigor as exhausting as a bout itself.

    The Fighter is not just about boxing because as in Martin Scorsese's Raging Bull (1980), it's all about people who find in the sport a way to transcend their social prison. In The Fighter, it is more even about family, which weighs heavily on Micky's success or failure. And outside family as well, for girlfriend, bartender Charlene Fleming (Amy Adams), is a formidable force in liberating Micky from the suffocating family (his five harpy sisters and domineering manager mother, Melissa Leo, fearsome in her cigarette smoke and driving vision for her sons). Unlike other boxing films, Fighter is patient with Micky's long climb to success, almost painfully long but rewarding in the reality of its prolonged struggle.

    But it's also the acting that distinguishes it: Christian Bale as Dicky transforms himself again by losing weight and morphing into a manic brother who loves Micky despite Dicky's negative life of drugs and mania; Amy Adams is believable as the gritty but beautiful girl friend; and Melissa Leo plays mom like a lady Macbeth in tight Dockers.

    Although there will be heavier films competing for 2010's Oscar, I can't think of another whose cast so eloquently has caught the poverty and riches of a town caught in boxing fever.

    • jdesando
    • Dec 27, 2010

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