不能将xcode安装在macintosh hd上因为需要macos v12或更高版本

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在虚拟机上安装完Mac OS10.14,在Apple Store上准备安装xcode时出现“xcode 不能安装在“Macintosh HD”上,因为需要 OS X V10.14.3 或更高版本”。导致无法安装Xcode


不在Apple Store上进行下载,可以在苹果官网找到合适Xcode(需要Apple ID ,没有的可以直接注册一个)

在上面网站中找到与当前Mac OS版本合适的Xcode,点击进入后可以下载到本地Mac电脑中,双击打开即可安装。



不能将Xcode安装在“Macintosh HD”上,因为需要macOS v10.15.2或更高版本。



1. 确定当前macOS版本



2. 确定当前macOS对应的Xcode版本号。


3. 去Appstore中,找到Xcode



4. 下载Xcode



5. 安装




Xcode 5.0 编译低版本app



因为要装低版本CUDA9.0,只能兼容gcc6.0以下,看了半天安装gcc5.5.0的教程,终于找到一个靠谱的。 传送门://blog.csdn.net/qq_23438131/article/details/52385843不咋靠谱!不是高手千万别尝试重装gcc和g++,...



Red Hat 和Cent OS 低版本安装mysql

1、下载rpm安装文件client:[[email protected]]wget//dev.mysql.com/get/MySQL-client-5.6.13-1.el6.x86_64.rpmserver:[[email protected]]wget//dev.mysql.com/get/MySQL-server-5.6.13-1.el6.x86_64...


首先得有老版本的sdk,如果你已经安装了Xcode5.0,那么老版本的sdk iPhoneOS6.1.sdk已经被删除了,你可以从同事电脑里拷贝一份,路径是:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/D...



ios:Xcode 5.0 编译低版本app




Mac 使用brew安装低版本的软件,如opencv


低版本xcode真机调试iOS 12.3.1


XCode wouldnt deploy to my phone with ios 10.3 but it worked on 10.2. So I decided to update XCode.

XCode wont let me update becase "Xcode can’t be installed on “Macintosh HD” because OS X version 10.12 or later is required."

Ok, I thought.

I update my computer to the most recent version in the AppStore Update section and I get OS X Version 10.11.6 .

Still wont let me update XCode.

I find verison 10.12.1 on Apples website which said it was the most recent version and decide to download it separately and update it seperately.

Geuss what.

"This update requires OS X version 10.12."


So I cant update XCode because I have version 10.11.6 but I cant update to 10.12.1 without updating to 10.12 first which 10.12 is not found in the AppStore.

What are you doing Apple?

Any suggestions are apprecianted, Thanks.

Yes my mac can handle the new update it is a MacBook Air from 2014


AFAIK, being on 10.11.6 should allow a path to current macOS via the MAS.

Install/Setup/Configuration questions might have better luck over on Apple's public support forums, thanks and good luck.

For me it worked by going to AppStore, select Updates ; I was proposed the last version of OSX.

Selecting "About this Mac" and then "Sofwtare update" button does the same.

Isn't this working for you ?

I'm a newbie to Apple development and encountered this issue today.

I'm surprised to find out that these kind of compatibility issues exist with Apple.

I'm having to do a workaround by downloading Xcode 8.3.2 and then copying the image for 10.3 to the Xcode 8.2.1 on my machine.

Hope it works.

I'm experiencing the same issue. I'm attempting to upgrade from El Capitan 10.11.6 to some (any) version of Sierra, to facilitate an upgrade of XCode, to be able to test an iOS 11 simulator.

I am unable to get past step 1 of upgrading to any version of Sierra. There are no updates in the App Store - selecting "Software Update" in "About this Mac" has also yielded a "No Updates Available" message. To attempt a workaround, I downloaded the v 10.12.1 package installer, which gave me the error message "This update requires OS X version 10.12." - to my knowledge, no such version exists.

Every subsequent version of Sierra I attempt to update with, including the 'combo' packages, is giving me the same error. So essentially, there is no way to upgrade to Sierra now?

This is part of a comedy of compatibility errors, as the entire endeavor has been in order to use the beta version of XCode, as the version in the App Store gets stuck in an infinite loop and won't even download! This is on a MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015) - not sure if anyone else has had any luck.

Base OSs are only available from the MAS for those that downloaded them in the past. Go there, check your history. If you don't have the base in your history, you can't get it on demand/at will as new installs are no longer being signed.

Your computer should support macOS High Sierra (which is not a Sierra update), which is in the MAS now - installing it will then provide you with support for iOS 11.x simulator.

If you need further macOS installation details, try the public macOS forums: //support.apple.com/

That is very much not supported. Do not do that. If you're staying on macOS 10.11.6, the latest supported Xcode is 8.2.x. If you want to use something newer, you need to upgrade to macOS 10.12.6 or newer via the Mac App Store.


