


青少年為銜接孩童與成人的關鍵時期,青少年時期所養成的行為模式與生活型態,對其未來的健康發展有莫大影響。因此本署(前身機關國民健康局)自民國2006年起辦理「青少年健康行為調查計畫」(Taiwan Youth Health Survey, TYHS)。本項調查計畫係參考美國疾病管制局(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ,CDC)自1990年起每兩年辦理一次的青少年危害健康行為調查(Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, YRBSS),以及WHO主辦之全球青少年健康行為調查(Global school-based student health survey, GSHS)計畫,針對與主要死因疾病、失能或重要社會問題有密切關聯的健康行為進行調查。另為與世界衛生組織GSHS調查計畫做國際比較,自2012年起,採納GSHS問卷核心題組,並整合臺灣青少年健康行為調查問卷,針對體重及體型、飲食習慣、身體活動、衛生及生活習慣、個人安全、偏差行為、心理健康、危害健康行為、兩性交往與性行為及家庭狀況等議題,蒐集青少年健康行為現況,以提供相關單位規劃在學青少年健康促進計畫參考,每年以「國中」及「高中、高職、五專(1-3年級)」隔年輪替方式辦理,發展出長期性以及例行性之健康監測調查機制,定期更新政策所需參考數據。民國單數年係以國中在學學生為施測對象。

(一) 瞭解全國國中、高中、高職、五專學生各項健康危害行為盛行狀況。
(二) 瞭解全國不同背景特徵青少年健康行為之差異。
(三) 瞭解全國國中、高中、高職、五專學生不同健康危害行為之聚集(co-occurrence)。
(四) 建立全國國中、高中、高職、五專學生各項健康危害行為盛行率之監測資料,提供本署與相關單位後續監測與評價青少年健康促進工作及介入效益之比較基礎。

(一) 學生基本資料:年齡、性別、年級。
(二) 體重及體型:身高、體重、自覺身體與身型滿意度及減重行為。
(三) 飲食習慣:吃早餐、蔬果、高油脂食物、喝含糖飲料等之習慣。
(四) 身體活動:玩電腦或打電動、看電視、運動情形。
(五) 個人安全:交通安全、事故傷害。
(六) 危害健康行為:菸品、飲酒行為。
(七) 兩性交往與性行為相關問題:色情媒體接觸、性行為、HPV疫苗等。
(八) 家庭狀況:親子關係。
(九) 在校情形:同學相處情形、翹課、霸凌。
(十) 心理健康:孤獨/寂寞、失眠、傷心絕望、自殺。
(十一) 衛生及生活習慣:吃東西前洗手、睡前刷牙、熬夜習慣。



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  1. 邱思慈、張家銘、連婉如、黃芳銘(2011)。大學男女新生在健康促進生活型態測量恆等性之研究。測驗學刊,58(3),453-478。
  2. 魏米秀、呂昌明(2005)。「健康促進生活型態」中文簡式量表之發展研究。衛生教育學報,24,25-46。
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  1. 湯慧娟(2002)。高雄市老年人健康促進生活型態、休閒知覺自由與心理幸福滿足感之相關研究。臺灣師範大學體育學系學位論文。2002。1-128。
  2. 何冠霖(2017)。民眾下載健康存摺資料影響因素之實證研究。義守大學醫務管理學系學位論文。2017。1-95。



The purpose of this research was to understand the health promoting lifestyle and school health resources use and the related factors. The population includes 2,960 students in one National university. A multi-stage sampling method was applied by using “class” and “grade” as sampling unit. A self-administrated questionnaire, including socio-demographics, health promoting lifestyle and school health resources use. The effective questionnaires are 823.
The main results indicated as following:
1.Society of demography variable present situation object of study:
In the object of study, the Pedagogical academy students occupy completely most,but various grades student distributes the average, the female student is more than the male student, at present lives in the school dormitory university student occupies many.
2.School of healthy resources use situation present situation object of study:
The object of study choice “knew, but has not used” the population to occupy many, “thought that has not provided” few. This object of study “knew, and uses”the school healthy resources use situation ratio, “promotes or the health take the health related passes knows the curriculum” to occupy high as 41.7%, other projects (for example health promotes or health related written material, health promotes or health related network news, health promotes or health related
lecture, the entire school teachers and students health promotes or health related activity) is situated between 13.4~23.9%.
3.The mean score was 2.80. Six dimensions were presented in the descending order:
Stress management, self-actualization, interpersonal support, exercise leisure,health responsibility, nutrition.
4.There were significant differences in the variables of gender, grade on the health-promoting lifestyle.There were significant differences in the variables of gender, collegial on the nutrition. There was significant differences in the variables of tenement on the health responsibility. There were significant differences in the variables of gender, grade, collegial on the exercise leisure. There were significant differences in the variables of gender, collegial on the interpersonal support. There were significant differences in the variables of gender, grade on the self-actualization.
5.There were significant differences in the variables of network news, broadband network, lecture, activity on the health-promoting lifestyle.
6.According to Multiple Regression Analysis, could contribute 6% total variance to health–promoting lifestyle.
Finally, there were some suggestions proposed as references to promote graduate students health-promoting lifestyle and health promotion school.

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