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和《半澤直樹》轟動程度差不多,這次上映的《七個會議》一樣和揭開企業內幕為故事重點,循序漸進後再強而有力的爆發。雖然,以小蝦米對抗大鯨魚的概念不一定可以成真 (甚至連小小動搖都很困難),不過日本電影最厲害的就是『堅持』這樣的『一生懸命』。相信《七個會議》這樣的情節不是少見,甚至可謂大多數且沒有國家、地區的限制,觀眾為何還愛看?! 因為在現實生活裡,你不可能『忍辱負重』或是『不管死活』的推翻自己正在工作的公司,既然倒的也不是自己,又能夠站在一旁開心的看別人倒,這是何樂而不為啊 (竊笑)~ 可能因為相形之下架構有點單薄,片長卻到了二個小時,當然中間必定不會錯過的就是主角們內心反省或是大無畏的向前衝 (?!),但是像這種一開頭三十分鐘就可以知道『誰是大魔王』的情節,觀眾們更感興趣的應該是『大魔王會不會得到報應?』或是『好人有沒有好報?』。中間那些什麼硬要加進去的曲折離奇其實都沒那麼奇…畢竟『大快人心』才是重點,否則,如果沒有更驚悚或是拿命拼搏的衝突,這類型的電影,大致上就這樣了 (哭哭)。

《七個會議》其實就日本對企業文化來說,算是個中規中矩的故事情節; 先是安排一個看起來雖然陰沉,但實際個性很溫和的憂鬱男子,總是輕而易舉的挑起職場同事間相互對立又獨來獨往的局面。偏偏上司彷彿最拿這種人沒輒,除了冷嘲熱諷之外,也只能任他所為,畢竟年輕時也是在這間公司裡面勞心賣命的,『資遣』這個詞在日本的職場間是非常兇殘的一件事情,絕對不是像我們一心一意渴望資遣費這種說了都不紅臉的事情= =。所以,在不違背公司使命的前提下,又沒造成公司損害,除了讓他按時打卡上下班,好像真心不能再為他多做什麼~ 想當然主角還必須包括面惡心善或是刀子口豆腐心的嚴厲上司,拍桌子根本就是精神喊話的小菜一碟; 就算訂定了一個畢生都到不了的工作目標,也還是使命必達的持之以恆 (科科)。所謂大魔王當然是天搖地動都還如大佛立定不動的穩如泰山,縱使一間企業的黑心內幕是層出不窮,世界還是富者恆富,屹立不搖。

《七個會議》雖然沒有標新立異,可是有條有理,貫穿故事線的主角背景是簡單明瞭,不會讓人看到最後有種『蛤?!』的感覺。說到可以推荐的點~ 那就是幾乎全部為日本老中二代實力派資深演員,演技是讓人欽佩,是十足十最值得花錢花時間觀賞的重點…對抗大鯨魚這樣了不得的大事,大家還是在電影院裡過過乾癮就好,千萬別太天真的認為在現實生活裡,你也可以獲得勝利 (汗)。

上一 文章 【變身 Metamorphosis】2019✪腦粉影評✪我的爸爸不是我的爸爸

下一 文章 【全面啟動 Inception】2019✪腦粉影評✪最害怕的是將幻滅當成希望

沒業績就該檢討自己;世上沒有賣不出去的商品! 坂戶宣彥是東京建電的金牌銷售經理。身為部長愛將的他,已帶領著菁英團隊連續好幾個月超越銷售目標了。某天坂戶竟因一件小小的職權騷擾事件而被申訴,申訴者竟還是自己團隊中的豬隊友八角先生。業績爛到爆、上班打瞌睡、毫無責任感的八角,竟僅以區區一件職權騷擾就把部長愛將調走。甚至只要對八角不友善的同仁也都一一被調職。八角到底有什麼本事可以這樣呼風喚雨呢?這一場場詭異的人事調動,將逐漸揭開了大集團不可告人的黑暗祕密…一場席捲上班族奴性悲歌的風暴即將颳起!

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In a future where the elite inhabit an island paradise far from the crowded slums, you get one chance to join the 3% saved from squalor.

Starring:Bianca Comparato, Vaneza Oliveira, Rodolfo Valente

Creators:Pedro Aguilera

Director César Charlone was nominated for an Oscar in cinematography for the acclaimed Brazilian film "City of God."





  1. In a grimy near-future, 20-year-olds stream to a sleek testing facility to compete for a spot in an idyllic land known as the Offshore.

  2. Fernando's medical exam yields a stunning discovery, a logic puzzle stokes tensions in the group, and Aline tries to find out what Ezequiel is hiding.

  3. A nerve-wracking trip through a dark tunnel leaves Joana haunted by a vision from her past. Ezequiel receives an unexpected visitor.

  4. Trapped in the dorms without food or water, the candidates race to find a solution. A sudden change in the test brings out a new side of Marco.

  5. Painful memories come flooding back to Ezequiel as Aline reveals what she's learned and offers to keep it quiet -- for a price.

  6. Candidates find a tempting offer waiting for them in their new dorm rooms. Those who decide to stay face daunting individual tests.

  7. A night of celebration turns chaotic as Process officials realize there's a traitor in their midst and begin interrogating the candidates.

  8. On the morning of the Purification Ritual, startling revelations and shifting loyalties leave the fates of four candidates hanging in the balance.

  1. With days to go before the next Process, Joana tries to prove herself to the leader of the Cause, and Michele faces an ultimatum from Ezequiel.

  2. As Rafael races to score a spot on the Inland squad, flashbacks recap his first year in the Offshore. Fernando reluctantly coaches Process hopefuls.

  3. Desperate to protect Glória, Fernando realizes there's another way to stop the Process. Michele and Rafael separately try to contact the Cause.

  4. Ivana and Joana subject their captives to grueling interrogations to find out who's telling the truth. Marcela reaches out to an Inlander for help.

  5. Michele and the others discover another side to Ezequiel as he retraces his turbulent journey from Process No. 80 to the present.

  6. As the hunt for Cause members heats up, Glória wrestles with nagging doubts, Michele and Joana search for the bomb, and Fernando makes a defiant move.

  7. Fernando finds an unlikely new ally. Michele undergoes a mysterious procedure. A crisis leaves Rafael torn between Elisa and his mission.

  8. Joana finds herself at the mercy of a figure from her past, Michele is led to a remote hiding place, and Marcela receives an unexpected invitation.

  9. While Rafael, Fernando and Joana forge ahead with their plan, Michele discovers a shocking secret about the Offshore's past.

  10. Last-minute setbacks force Fernando and Joana to improvise. As chaos erupts on the day of the Process, Michele concocts a plan of her own.

  1. Just as Joana tours Michele's new desert sanctuary, known as the Shell, a massive sandstorm moves in and wreaks havoc.

  2. While the residents of the Shell prepare for the next stage of the Selection, Joana summons allies from the Cause and reveals her master plan.

  3. Forced to stand in for Michele on the next test, Elisa finds herself longing for the Offshore. Artur struggles to hide his condition from Rafael.

  4. With supplies dwindling, Michele hurries to cut the Shell's remaining population in half. In flashbacks, the Founding Couple face an agonizing dilemma.

  5. Glória whips up support for her campaign, leading to chaos at the Shell. Marco resorts to desperate measures when he runs out of food for his son.

  6. With the Offshore contingent on the way, the Shell's new residents scour the desert for the fugitives. Elisa grapples with painful memories.

  7. While Joana and Rafael race to find proof of the sabotage, Michele faces an angry crowd, and new details emerge about Glória's time in the Process.

  8. The truth about the sabotage finally comes to light as Marcela prepares to take over the Shell -- and carry out a secret personal mission.

  1. When a group from the Shell is invited to the Offshore, Joana sees a chance for revenge. But she soon becomes distracted by unsettling memories.

  2. After a surprise announcement from André, Michele begins training Xavier for a different kind of mission. Verônica escorts Joana to a secret meeting.

  3. As the group prepares to raid the RTC, Glória makes a fateful deal, Michele finds herself trapped, and Rafael reconnects with a familiar face.

  4. Forced to resort to plan B, Joana and the others flee to an underground hideout, where Natália wrestles with a difficult decision.

  5. As panic sweeps through the Offshore, Marcela scrambles to restore order, and Marco discovers his mother isn't the only family member on the island.

  6. With tensions rising and rumors spreading fast, André locks down the Process building and presents four candidates with a harrowing final test.

  7. Waking up to a new reality, the Inland and Offshore factions inch closer to the brink of war — until a long-lost artifact offers a ray of hope.

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Bianca ComparatoVaneza OliveiraRodolfo ValenteRafael LozanoCynthia SenekBruno FagundesThais LagoLaila GarinFernando RubroAmanda MagalhãesZezé MottaCelso FrateschiJoão MiguelMichel GomesViviane PortoMel FronckowiakSergio Mamberti

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