Simparica 中文

Sometimes, sarolaner is used for the treatment of sarcoptic mange, demodectic mange, or ear mites. When sarolaner is prescribed for the treatment of mange, it is referred to as 'off-label' use. Many drugs are commonly prescribed for off-label use in veterinary medicine. In these instances, follow your veterinarian’s directions and cautions very carefully, as their directions may be significantly different from those on the label.

How quickly does it kill fleas and ticks?

Following exposure, the majority of fleas will be killed within hours of biting a sarolaner-treated dog. Keep in mind that you will likely continue to see fleas on a treated dog for some time, especially if you have a flea infestation in your home. Fleas continue to hatch and climb onto your dog in search of a blood meal. The fleas’ death prevents reproduction and new eggs being laid in the home. The more fleas that climb onto your dog and are killed, the faster the infestation will be eliminated.

This medication begins to kill fleas within four to eight hours and takes at least 12 hours to start to kill ticks. Improvement in clinical signs should follow.

How do I give sarolaner to my dog?

Sarolaner is given by mouth in the form of a tablet. The tablet should always be given as directed by your veterinarian. It can be given with or without food or water. Be sure your dog consumes the entire dose.

If your dog vomits after receiving the drug on an empty stomach, try giving the next dose with food. If your dog vomits within one hour of receiving the dose, re-dose your pet. If your dog vomits between one and three hours of dosing, some but not all of the product has been absorbed. Re-dosing, in this case, is not recommended and you should check with your veterinarian for a backup topical medication for the month. Regular dosing the following month can be resumed. If your dog vomits three or more hours after dosing, the medication has likely been fully absorbed. Note: If you are unsure about re-dosing your dog, contact your veterinarian. If vomiting continues, contact your veterinarian.

What if I forget to give my dog the medication or my shipment is late?

Give the forgotten dose as soon as you remember and start a new monthly dosing schedule. For example, if you forgot to give your pet his/her dose on June 1st and remember on June 18th, give the dose on June 18th and start a new monthly schedule. The next dose your pet will receive would be on July 18th. Do not give your dog two doses at once or give extra doses.

Are there any potential side effects from sarolaner?

The majority of dogs have very few side effects from sarolaner, provided it is given according to label recommendations and at the prescribed interval (or for off-label use, according to the directions given by your veterinarian). The most common side effects are vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, and sleepiness. Rare side effects may include lack of coordination, difficulty walking, trembling, or shaking. Contact your veterinarian if you observe these side effects. At that time, make sure your veterinarian is aware of any other medications/natural remedies that you are giving to your dog.

This long-acting medication lasts for at least four to six weeks and may last longer in pets with kidney or liver disease.

Are there any risk factors for this medication?

Do not use sarolaner in dogs weighing under 2.8 lbs (1.2kg) or under six months old. Do not use the single-agent product in cats. Sarolaner should be used with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or other nervous system disorders, or that have not tested negative for heartworm disease. Sarolaner has not been evaluated in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs, and therefore should be used with caution, if at all, in these cases.

Are there any drug interactions that I should be aware of?

At this time, there are no known drug interactions reported with sarolaner. Be sure to tell your veterinarian about any medications (including vitamins, supplements, or herbal therapies) that your pet is taking.

Is there any monitoring that needs to be done with this medication?

There is no specific monitoring required for dogs receiving sarolaner. Monitor for efficacy and for side effects.

How do I store sarolaner?

Store sarolaner-based products in the original prescription packaging at room temperature below 30°C (86°F) in a cool, dry place, away from heat.

What should I do in case of an emergency?

If you suspect an overdose or an adverse reaction to the medication, call your veterinary office immediately. If they are not available, follow their directions in contacting an emergency facility.

结论。 单次口服 Simparica Trio™ 是安全且高效的,可在 1 个月内对狗的自然发生的跳蚤和蜱虫感染有效。 治疗后 FAD 的临床症状有所改善。 Simparica Trio™ 被大多数狗自愿且容易地食用。

Simparica 对狗安全吗?

该研究还确定了安全性:狗对 Simparica Trio 的耐受性良好,即使在同时使用药物的情况下,其副作用也很轻微,发生的几率很小。 10 只狗中有 XNUMX 只在有或没有食物的情况下自愿食用调味的咀嚼片。

挺有趣的:  狗吃生碎牛肉会生病吗?

Nexgard 和 Simparica 哪个更好?

最后的想法。 如您所见,Nexgard 和 Simparica 都是非常好的和有效的跳蚤和蜱虫治疗方法,它们之间没有重大区别。 但话虽如此,Simparica 确实杀死了额外的蜱虫,并且在消除跳蚤和蜱虫方面相对更快。


如果需要化学产品来控制跳蚤或蜱虫,NRDC 建议使用 s-methoprene 或 pyriproxyfen,它们是毒性较小的成分——但请仔细阅读标签,因为有些产品将它们与其他更有害的杀虫剂一起使用。


自 2012 年引入 Seresto 跳蚤和壁虱项圈以来,EPA 已收到至少 1,698 起相关宠物死亡的事件报告。 总体而言,截至 2020 年 75,000 月,该机构已收到超过 1,000 份与项圈相关的事件报告,其中近 XNUMX 份涉及人身伤害。

Simparica 三重奏不包括什么?

Simparica Trio 治疗和控制蛔虫(犬弓蛔虫和成年弓蛔虫)和钩虫(犬钩虫和钩虫)感染。 ... Simparica Trio 尚未证明对狗或幼犬的鞭虫或绦虫有效。

Simparica trio 能杀死肠道蠕虫吗?

Simparica Trio 只能在需要治疗肠道中的跳蚤或蜱虫和蠕虫时使用。 对于肠道蠕虫,只需要一次治疗。 对于跳蚤或蜱虫感染,使用 Simparica Trio 进行一次治疗可有效长达 5 周。

我应该多久给我的狗 Simparica?

问:我应该多久给一次 Simparica? Simparica 是一种针对跳蚤、蜱虫和螨虫的每月咀嚼疗法。 您只需要每月咀嚼一次,就可以让您的狗整个月都受到持续保护。

挺有趣的:  毛茸茸的小白狗叫什么?

如果我给我的狗太多 Simparica 会怎样?

在过量组中,在一些动物中观察到一过性和自限性神经系统体征:在最大暴露剂量的 3 倍时出现轻度震颤,在最大暴露剂量的 5 倍时出现抽搐。 所有的狗都在没有治疗的情况下康复。


醋。 将 1 夸脱水、1 杯白醋或苹果醋和 1 杯婴儿洗发水或洗洁精混合。 使用这种混合物每月给您的狗洗澡一次或两次。 醋可以杀死接触的跳蚤和蜱虫,并可以防止未来的侵扰。

我的狗在 Simparica 上会跳蚤吗?

为什么给狗服用 Simparica 后我仍然可以看到跳蚤? 跳蚤可以生活在您家以外的各种区域以及您的狗可能遇到的其他狗身上。 Simparica 提供快速而持久的跳蚤保护,因此任何新来的跳蚤都会被杀死。


