Instance 中文

Burials, for instance, are underneath platforms, within the limits of the dwellings.

In several instances, he returns to subjects treated earlier in the book, such as children's education and the evolution from scrolls to codices.

Her requests in these instances were somewhat more restrained than earlier ones.

The knowledge manager provides utilities to dynamically add 0modify classes 0 instances of synthesis elements stored in the library.

In the first instance, it is difficult to conceive what might motivate such random substitutions.

The method could be taken further if specific requirements were needed and technical variety (telecom for instance) was introduced.

In these instances, then, the entailments of sentences with spatial to phrases are determined by the meaning of their verbs.

For instance, over-blowing on a wind instrument can cause an octave rise, which holds as the pressure is reduced.


Her requests in these instances were somewhat more restrained than earlier ones.

For instance, over-blowing on a wind instrument can cause an octave rise, which holds as the pressure is reduced.

For instance, is it the phonetic quality that counts, or its distribution?

For instance, lethals may contribute substantially to inbreeding depression.

After all, the extrapolation of general features from specific instances is not a straightforward exercise.

In such instances, reviewers may need to consider reanalyzing.

To represent finite trees we need to be able to specify initial values for the instance variables which indicate the absence of subtrees.

There were very few instances of fasciculation between fibers in which fibers were closely associated with each other following essentially identical paths within the tectum.



阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文


同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语




Supports single instance of global SAP applications About Akamai Overview

为全球 SAP 应用程序的单一实例提供支持 关于 Akamai 概览

se instance reading protocol when available.


In this instance, a Weibayes analysis might be preferable.

在这种情况下,Weibayes 分析可能更合适。

to restart the Oracle instance, enter

要重新启动 Oracle 实例,请输入以下命令

Create load test results database in the following SQL Server instance

在下面的 SQL Server 实例中创建负载测试结果数据库:

Removing all operations master roles owned by the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance...

正在删除本地 Active Directory 轻型目录服务实例拥有的所有操作主机角色...

A BizTalk administrator suspended this service instance.

此服务实例已被 BizTalk 管理员挂起。

SQL Server and instance, if applicable

SQL Server 和实例(如果适用):

Use an existing remote SQL Server instance

使用现有远程 SQL Server 实例(E)

Use an existing instance of SQL Server

使用 SQL Server 的现有实例(E)

Registry root for selected SQL Server instance

所选 SQL Server 实例的注册表根目录

but that can be ignored since that shell instance is not used for

有些 shells 程序会提示说他们呢没有连接到一个真正的终端,但这一般可以被忽略,因为这些 shell 实例并不需要进行作业控制或其它类似的事情。

/ setup locale info for root Vue instance

/ 为 Vue 的根实例设置语言环境信息

Create a Renderer instance with (optional) options.

使用(可选的)选项创建一个 Renderer 实例。

By default, the application object is an instance of CWebApplication.

默认情况下, 应用是 CWebApplication 类的一个实例.

First, obtain an instance of the Task.Builder

首先我们先获取到一个 Task.Builder 的实例:

The MySQL database instance is online.

1) MySQL数据库实例是在线的;

To activate another Apache instance, run

要激活另一个 Apache 实例,请运行:

Even our ideas can fluctuate from one instance to another.


Binary IO Java class and instance file copy operations




结果: 11630. 精确: 11630. 用时: 45毫秒


