最後 一 根 稻草


The last straw that breaks a camel's back

一般现在就直接说 The last straw 谚语,起源于阿拉伯世界.









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Tagyal's letter seems to have been the last straw.


The Prometheus incident was the last straw.

不,最后一根稻草是一个由网站的Live Feed 开发的新算法 - 特点是选择根据被别人留意的新闻的次数。

No, the final straw was a new algorithm deployed by the site's Live Feed feature that selected news stories based on the number of times the item had been noted by others.


That phone call today was the last straw.


"And that was the last straw", he later told a reporter.

听说过 "最后一根稻草" 吗, 比尔?

You've heard of "the last straw", haven't you, Bill?


The last straw came when Paige's eldest son Bruce came to stay. He asked her to buy chicken, and Paige ended up eating half of it.

一次小小的作弄或者一个恶作剧可能就会成为最后一根稻草,彻底击垮你所 认识的像阿曼达或耶利米那样默默承受痛苦的人。

Maybe a little teasing or a practical joke will be the last straw, the final blow to someone you know who has been quietly suffering as Amanda or Jeremiah did.


After several personal setbacks, "this Bear Stearns thing happened to be the last straw that broke his spirit,"Mr. Philippi said in an interview.

对于一些正在买房的业主,这可能是"最后一根稻草 "。

For some landlords, this might be the "last straw".

我看是那孩子知道自己女友 跟好朋友发生了关系 被这最后一根稻草压倒了 就这样

I think the kid realized his girlfriend was sleeping with his best friend, and it was the final straw, and that's it.

这也是为什么,许多土耳其人一点都不奇怪,盖齐公园成为了最后一根稻草。抗议者佩林·坦(Pelin Tan)是一位社会学家。他说,"我们需要自由的空间。"

This is why it has come as little surprise to many Turks that Gezi Park was the last straw. "We need free places," Pelin Tan, a sociologist and protester, explained.


"I think this is really the last straw on the camel's back," the journalist said about the sale to Alibaba.

你刚才说了最后一根稻草 也就是说 还有很多其它的稻草 很多稻草?

You just said last straw, which means there's been a lot of other straws.


He tells me he's never been able to get anything right in his entire life, and this is the last straw, he's going to go jump off a bridge.


For the battle-fatigued citizens of Colombia, Diana's death was the final straw.


"Our Christmas party this year was the last straw for me," said Deborah Castor, whose early departures to attend a scrapbooking class have resulted in the advertising firm losing two separate clients.


Finally, she left. Ultimately, it was the personality of the person she worked for that ended her secretarial career. "He was the last straw," she notes.


But the last straw which was laid on the back of my already wavering faith was when I learned, after the evening service on the opening day, that the two Presbyterian bodies had not united.


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