


  • similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar
  • someone who communicates by means of letters
  • a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media



  • foreign correspondent外国记者,驻外记者
  • good〔poor〕 correspondent勤〔懒〕于写信的人
  • newspaper correspondent通讯记者,报纸通讯员
  • resident correspondent常驻通讯记者
  • war correspondent战地记者
  • according to correspondent据记者报道
  • as the news correspondent作为新闻记者
  • correspondent with an army随军记者


correspondent bank往来行;代理银行;通汇银行

foreign correspondent报社派驻国外的通讯记者

special correspondent n. 特派记者;特派员

war correspondent战地记者


  1. The newspaper has a foreign correspondent.
  2. A good correspondent does not procrastinate.
  3. You know what a poor correspondent I am.
  1. The result was correspondent with my wishes.
  2. The outcome of the election is correspondent with my prediction
  3. If injured then they will be changed with the correspondent player.


PARLIAMENT: HEALTH - MP Plans Bill to Ban Starving of Patients
Sedimentology: Tectonic Control
Prognostic value of the hematocrit in patients with severe COPD receiving long-term oxygen therapy.
Cabin Crews Protest over Thai Massage Soap Opera
From Mary to the Modern-Day Madonna - the History of Being Blonde
Glasses and Glass Ceramics
Cold Spring Harbor Symposium, 1968
Correspondent-centric management email system uses message-correspondent relationship data table for automatically linking a single ...
Thermostat system communicating with a remote correspondent for receiving and displaying diverse information
System and use for correspondent banking

• correspondent account
• correspondent bank
• correspondent tracer

DJ音标发音: [ˌkɔ:riˈspɔndənt, ˌkɔr-]
KK音标发音: [ˌkɔrɪˈspɑndənt, ˌkɑr-]

n.Abbr. cor, corr(名词)缩写 cor, corr

1. One who communicates by means of letters.

2. One employed by the print or broadcast media to supply news stories or articles:


a foreign correspondent.

3. One that has regular business dealings with another, especially at a distance.

4. Something that corresponds; a correlative.


5. Corresponding.


用"correspondent"造句"correspondent"怎么读"correspondent" in a sentence"correspondent"的同义词



  • n.
    通信者;通讯员;【商业】外地客户,外地代理店。 a bad correspondent不爱写信的人。 a good correspondent爱写信的人。 our London correspondent本社伦敦通讯员。 a special correspondent(报馆的)特派记者。 a war correspondent随军记者。


  • In a low voice the correspondent addressed the captain .
  • You know what a poor correspondent i am .
  • Correspondents are fairly pouring in now .
  • Is he a regular correspondent of yours, eleanor ?
  • In the meantime the oiler and the correspondent rowed .
  • I am not much of a correspondent .
  • The cook and the correspondent swore darkly at the creature .
  • Right now we have big deposits from correspondent banks .
  • The correspondent thought that he had been drenched to the skin .
  • Are you a correspondent ?


  • someone who communicates by means of letters
    同义词:letter writer,
  • a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media
    同义词:newspaperman, newspaperwoman, newswriter, pressman,
  • similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar; "brains and computers are often considered analogous"; "salmon roe is marketed as analogous to caviar"

reports on the impact of the global financial crisis and the ongoing AIDS pandemic on children in Lesotho.

视频:联合国儿童基金会通讯员苏 珊娜 .波克斯报道全球金融危机和目前正在蔓延的艾滋病对莱索托造成的影响。

The Monitoring Group recommends that either the Government of Eritrea should voluntarily subscribe to a transparent framework for the management of its mining revenues, or Member States


should impose mandatory disclosure requirements on mining

[...] companies and correspondent banks handling [...]

监察组建议,或是厄立特里亚政府自愿采纳管理其采矿收入的透明框架, 或是会员国对采矿公司和处理厄立特里亚收入 的 代理银 行实 行披露信息规定。

UNICEF correspondent Chris Niles reports on a programme ensuring Uzbekistan students know how to protect themselves from infection and disease.

联合国儿童基金会通讯员克里 斯.奈尔斯(Chris Niles)报道一个旨在确保乌兹别克斯坦学生懂得如何保护自己免受感染和免患疾病的计划。

Some Parties also mentioned that their science

[...] and technology correspondent participated [...]

in e-forums organized by the secretariat.

一些缔约方还提到,其科学和技术联 络 员 参加 了秘书处举办的电子论坛。

A European bank, which had been acting as a euro correspondent bank for another Asian bank, did not accept a payment instruction from a Cuban banking entity and announced that it was not working with Cuba because Cuba was on the list of [...] [...]

State sponsors of terrorism, a list that, as everyone knows, was drawn up by the United States Department of State.

某欧洲银行(另一亚洲银行的欧元代理)不接受古巴银行提出的付款指 示,并称不能与古巴交易,因为古巴属于支持恐怖主义的国家名单;众 所周知,该名单是美国国务院炮制的。

By its decision 15/COP.7, paragraph 6, the COP


encouraged country Parties to select a science

[...] and technology correspondent to the CST under [...]

the coordination of the national focal point.

[...] 号决定第6 段鼓励国家缔约方在国家联络点的协调 下挑选一名派驻科技委的科技联络员。

The Monitoring Group therefore recommends either that Eritrea voluntarily subscribe to a transparent framework for the management of its revenue, or that


Governments impose mandatory measures on mining

[...] companies and correspondent banks handling [...]

Eritrean revenues in their territories.

[...] 里亚自愿采纳管理其收入的透明框架,或由各国政府对矿业公司和在本国领土 上经管厄立特里亚收入的代理银行实 施强制措施。

The job becomes more complicated when your correspondent is unavailable to receive realtime emissions.

当贵行的往来行无法接收实时发送的报文 时,这项工作就变得更复杂了。

Every year, the embargo has made it increasingly

[...] difficult to use correspondent banks, thus making [...]

transactions more complicated, in


addition to the existing restrictions on the use of the dollar as a means of payment, which has forced the banking and financial system to explore new avenues or alternatives in order to be able to continue carrying out financial transactions with banks abroad.

封锁每年都降低使用代理银行的 可能性,使交易更复杂;另外,众所周知的 限制以美元付款的规定,迫使银行和金融体系探索新的替代途径,以便与海外银 [...]

(g) On the development of renminbi (RMB) business, since the commencement of the RMB trade settlement pilot scheme in July 2009, 32


authorized institutions had entered into clearing agreements with the clearing bank in Hong

[...] Kong or Mainland correspondent banks.

(g) 關於人民幣業務的發展,自2009年 7月推出

[...] 人民幣貿易結算試點業務以來,已有32間認 可機構與香港的清算行或內地的代理 銀行 簽訂結算協議。

[...] Financial Times Correspondent Henny Sender, [...]

Blackstone President Tony James discusses the importance


of safeguarding returns for pension funds, and opportunities in the real estate and energy markets.

在接受《金融时报》通讯记者 Henny Sender 的采访时,Blackstone [...]

总裁 Tony James 讨论了保障养老基金回报以及房地产和能源市场商机的重要性。

If this EV Certificate is inaccurate or misleading in any aspect, while such inaccuracy and misleading is caused by the omission of CNNIC Trusted Network Service Center, CNNIC Trusted Network Service Center shall pay each relying party at most ten times of the purchase price of EV Certificate according to the testified loss caused by reasonably trusting inaccurate or misleading matters in this EV Certificate, except that such loss does not belong to and exclude: (1) any direct or indirect loss, including loss of profit or income, loss or injury of fame or commercial fame, business opportunity or chance, loss of


item, loss or failure to use any data, device

[...] or software, etc.; (2) any indirect, correspondent and accidental loss or injury.

若本 EV 证书在任何方面存在不准确或误导,而这种不准确或误导是因 CNNIC 可信网络服务中心的疏忽所导致,则 CNNIC 可信网络服务中心将可以因合理信 任本 EV 证书中的这种不准确或误导事项而造成的经证实损失向每名信赖方支付


最多为 EV 证书购买价格的 10 倍,只有这种损失不属于并且不包括(1)任何直

[...] 接或间接损失,包括利润或收入损失、信誉或商誉损失或伤害、商机或契机损失、 失去项目、失去或无法使用任何数 据、设备或软件等;(2)任何间 接、 相应 而生 或偶然引起的损失或损害。

The following are prohibited in the territory of member States: the opening of any branches, subsidiaries or representative offices of Iranian banks, the establishment


of any new joint ventures and the

[...] establishment of any correspondent banking relations, [...]

regardless of the entity involved


and without regard for the risk that it may contribute to banned activities (article 11.1 of the decision).

成员国境内禁止开设任何伊朗银行办事处或分行、设立新 的合资企业或建立银行代理关系, 无论当事实体是否可能有助于违禁活动(第 [...]

5.2 To the extent permitted by law, we

[...] [...] shall not be liable to or responsible for any loss or damage you sustain or suffer directly or indirectly arising out of any act or omission of any Correspondent Agent, counter-party, custodian, sub-custodian, professional advisors, brokers, dealers, agents or of any party contracted or retained for the purposes [...]

5.2 於法律容許的範圍內,對於任何業務代理、交易對手、託管人、附屬託管人、專業顧問、 經紀、交易商、代理人或任何締約方或根據協議聘用的任何人士的作為或不作為而直接或 間接導致的損失或損害,本行毋須承擔任何責任。

2.6 We accept no responsibility for any loss arising out of the matters including any delay or failure in effecting a payment of remittance or giving notice; any omission, error, default, interruption or delay in


correspondence, telex and other documents in the course of

[...] transmission; Correspondent Agent or its [...]

employee’s act or omission to act.

2.6 倘因任何下列情況而引致之任何損失,包括款項交付或通知延誤,書函、電報或其他文件

[...] 寄發傳送途中所發生之遺漏、錯誤、殘缺、中斷或延誤,業務代理或其員工之作為或非作 為,本行毋須負責。

It is clear from these statistics that the most common

[...] [...] profile of a journalist who is killed is that of a local as opposed to foreign correspondent, who covers politics or corruption for a newspaper or a radio station.

这些数据清楚地勾勒出遇害记者最常见的轮廓,他是当地记者而不是外国 记者,为报社或广播电台报道政治或腐败专题。

b) For children jewellery: the total content of Lead (Pb) shall be less than or equal to

[...] [...] 300mg/kg; total contents of other baneful elements should meet the requirement in 4.2.1 a); the contents of soluble elements should be less than or equal to the correspondent maximum limitation listed in Table 2.

b) 对于儿童首饰:含铅(Pb)总量不可超过300毫克每千克;其它有害元素的总含量应符合4.2.1 a中的要求;可溶性元素总含量不 可超过表2中所列的对应最高上限。

[...] stipulates that “all people shall have the right to receive an equal education correspondent to their ability, as provided by law”.

例如:憲法的第 26 條寫道「全體國民在法律規定範圍內,人人在其能力內有接受教 育的權利」。

In light of the increasing volume of case law

[...] [...] now available on several UNCITRAL texts, the Secretariat has encouraged member States to appoint more than one national correspondent and entrust each of them with the responsibility of a specific UNCITRAL text.

考虑到 目前可得到的关于几部贸易法委员会法规的判例日益增多,秘书处鼓励成员国 任命不止一名国家通讯员, 并委托其分别负责特定的贸易法委员会法规。

The Committee noted with appreciation the services of a full-time staff member of the Federal Inland Revenue


Service of Nigeria to work on matters related to the Subcommittee and to serve

[...] as a country correspondent for the website.

委员会赞赏地注意到,尼日利亚联邦国内税务局一名全职工作人员提供服 务,就与小组委员会有关的事项开展工作,并担任该网站的 国 家 记者。

The correspondent of the Russian Federation pointed out that [...]

that country had already nominated an IFAP National Committee,


so that in fact 12 countries have now nominated coordination mechanism for the new Programme.

俄罗斯联邦的回信指出,该国已 经任命了 一个 全民信息计划全国委员会,所以,十二个 国家目前已经为这一新的计划指定了协调机构。

Where no IHP National Committee has been established, a Focal Point or National Correspondent in the form of an organization or individual has been identified for channelling information about IHP to and from the country.

在还没有成立国际水文计划(IHP)国家委员会的国家,已经指定了一个组织或个人形 式的联络中心或国家通讯员,以 向本国或从本国传递国际水文计划方面的信息。

Purnomo Yusgiantoro, remarks to the

[...] Jakarta Foreign Correspondent’s Club, 4 May 2011.

[...] Yusgiantoro),雅加达 外国记者俱乐部,2011 年 5 月 4 日。

[...] counterfeit coins, it was usually performed by correspondent banks.

1.lens of Martin lens pouch baby SLR lens barrel of the lens pouch protective cover lens package matian lens pouch to cover protection rope belay New protect the lens cover lost anti- lost genuine LENSPEN


lens Pen Canada ( large round head flat

[...] head ) Xinghua correspondent goods wins Six- [...]

the Almighty King reader phone reader


cameras reader multi-function card reader New Nikon camera bag S8200 S8100 S8000 L23 P310 NIKON P300 camera bag wrist with a strap wristband other SLR single electrical accessories SLR single power professional camera accessories Kingston sd 32G memory card SDHC Class10 sd card high-speed memory card camera card product wins The small cyclone blowing blowing balloon PISEN clean air blowing (blue ) professional air blowing today's Deal: Canon 550D 600D 60D 7D 5D SLR cleaning Kit Canon One cleaning Kit 24 ¥ 288.57 % baby details Image ¥ 4.00 1 days 8:23 minutes and seconds technical support : super manager

[...] 袋單反相機鏡頭袋鏡頭筒保護套鏡頭包matian鏡頭袋鏡頭蓋保護繩保護繩新品保護鏡頭蓋丟失防丟正品L ENSPEN 加拿大鏡頭筆(大圓頭平頭) 興華代理行貨品 勝六合一全能王讀卡器 手機讀卡器相機讀卡器多功能讀卡器新品尼康相機包S8200 [...] [...]

NIKON P300相機包手腕帶背帶腕帶其它單反單電配件單反單電專業相機配件金士頓sd 32G內存卡SDH​​C Class10 sd 卡高速存儲卡相機卡品勝小旋風吹氣球品勝氣吹清潔氣吹(藍色) 專業氣吹今日團購: 佳能550D 600D 60D 7D 5D單反相機清潔套裝佳能多合一清潔套裝24¥288.57折¥ 4.00 1天8時23 分秒技術支持:超級店長尼康D3100 D3000 D7000 D90 D5100相機包攝像包單反包專用皮套佳能單反600D專款專用皮套相機包質量保證兼保證裝下600D新款!

During the 2007 World Congress, after discussion and review of the files, and at the behest of the Executive Board of the World Federation, the UNESCO Youth Association club of Estonia, the Porto


UNESCO club in Portugal and the UNESCO club of Kazakhstan

[...] were admitted as correspondent members of the [...]

2007 年世界大会时,经过对于相关文件的磋商和审查以及世界联合会执委会的提

[...] 议,爱沙尼亚青年协会教科文组织俱乐部、葡萄牙波尔多教科文组织俱乐部和哈 萨克斯坦教科文组织俱乐部被接纳为世界联合会的相 应 成员。

To provide continuing guidance on money laundering controls

[...] in relation to correspondent banking, the [...]

Wolfsberg Group has prepared these FAQs,


based on the Wolfsberg Group's views on current best practices and, in some aspects, on how we believe those practices should develop over time.

為使有關代理銀行防 止清洗黑錢監控方法的指引有延續性,沃爾夫斯堡組織已根 據其認為之現行最佳常規,並在某些範圍內根據我們相信這些常規日後應採取的 [...]

[...] the foreign war correspondent attracts the [...]

most attention, and is worthy of such concern, special attention


should also be paid to the question of how to alter the fate of the local newspaper journalist who drives home after work and is intercepted by two people on a motorbike, one holding a gun.