





即使手術成功,術後仍會面臨不同的問離,例如胃的運動遲緩,這是由於控制受到手術的影響,結果導致容易噁心嘔吐。大約10-15% 的病人在縫合處會有結痂,引致狹窄吞嚥困難,需要再次利用其它治療手段來擴張。手術後亦由於食道下端的賁門括約肌發生了改變,食物容易反流回食道端,造成胃灼熱等症狀。




  在食道癌的化學療法中,常用的藥物包括5 - FU ,cisplatin,bleomycin,mitomycin C,methotrexate等。大約10%-40%的病患對化療的反應較佳,治療後腫瘤會縮小。但化療的效果可能只是短暫的,些時日腫瘤又長回來。近年也有文獻報告化療時合併放射治療,無論是手術前,或作為主要療法,都可以獲得較佳的結果。



  手術的優點是通常能解決吞嚥困難的問題,超過80%有吞嚥困難都得以改善,且手術後大多數病患營養狀況都得以改善。但也有一些危險性,例如手術中可能發生心臟或肺部的血栓症;吻合處或許會裂開;利用大腸轉置也會有多種可能的併發症。即使手術成功,術後仍會面臨不同的問題,例如胃的運動遲緩,這是由於控制受到手術的影響,結果導致容易噁心嘔吐。大約10-15% 的病人在縫合處會有結痂,引致狹窄吞嚥困難,需要再次利用其它治療方式來擴張。手術後亦可能由於食道下端的賁門括約肌發生了改變,食物容易反流回食道端,造成胃灼熱等症狀。                              

郭 鑫 (Xin GUO),* 吴 源周 (Yuanzhou WU), 贾 龙飞 (Longfei JIA), 李 雅玲 (Yaling LI), 闫 玉生 (Yusheng YAN), and 陈 群清 (Qunqing CHEN)*

郭 鑫 (Xin GUO)

南方医科大学珠江医院胸心外科,广东 广州 510280, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510280, China

Find articles by 郭 鑫 (Xin GUO)

吴 源周 (Yuanzhou WU)

南方医科大学珠江医院胸心外科,广东 广州 510280, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510280, China

Find articles by 吴 源周 (Yuanzhou WU)

贾 龙飞 (Longfei JIA)

南方医科大学珠江医院胸心外科,广东 广州 510280, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510280, China

Find articles by 贾 龙飞 (Longfei JIA)

李 雅玲 (Yaling LI)

南方医科大学珠江医院胸心外科,广东 广州 510280, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510280, China

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闫 玉生 (Yusheng YAN)

南方医科大学珠江医院胸心外科,广东 广州 510280, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510280, China

Find articles by 闫 玉生 (Yusheng YAN)

陈 群清 (Qunqing CHEN)

南方医科大学珠江医院胸心外科,广东 广州 510280, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510280, China

Find articles by 陈 群清 (Qunqing CHEN)

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南方医科大学珠江医院胸心外科,广东 广州 510280, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510280, China

郭 鑫 (Xin GUO): moc.361@5811505nixoug; 陈 群清 (Qunqing CHEN): moc.anis@5891gqqnehc

陈群清, 主任医师,硕士研究生导师,E-mail: moc.anis@5891gqqnehc

Received 2017 Oct 13

Copyright 版权所有©《南方医科大学学报》编辑部2018

Copyright ©2018 Journal of Southern Medical University. All rights reserved.





选取2015年10月~2017年10月期间收治的73例食管癌患者并随机分为MIE组(38例)和OE组(35例),同时以10例食管良性疾病者和10例健康志愿者为对照组。采用CanPatrolTM CTCs检测技术检测两组食管癌患者及对照组外周血液中CTCs数量的分布情况。


(1)在73例食管癌患者中,术前CTCs检测44例(60.3%)为阳性,对照组均为阴性;(2)73例食管癌患者术中外周血CTCs水平高于术前,术后CTCs水平高于术中,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001);(3)MIE组和OE组患者术前及术中外周血CTCs水平比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但MIE组术后外周血CTCs水平显著低于OE组,且从术前至术后CTCs增幅水平在MIE组显著低于OE组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);(4)MIE组术后(2周)总并发症发生率为28.9% (11/ 38),明显低于OE组的54.3% (19/35),差异有统计学意义(P=0.023),而且在MIE组和OE组均有并发症的患者中CTCs水平明显高于无并发症的患者(P=0.001;P=0.005)。



Keywords: 食管癌, 食管癌切除术, 循环肿瘤细胞, CanPatrolTM



To investigate the effects of minimally invasive esophagectomy (MIE) and open esophagectomy (OE) on the level of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in patients with esophageal cancer (EC).


A total of 73 patients with EC undergoing MIE (n=38) or OE (n=35) in our department between October, 2015 and October, 2017 were enrolled, with 10 patients with benign esophagus disease and 10 healthy volunteers as controls. The levels of CTCs in the peripheral blood of the participants were detected using CanPatrolTM technique and analyzed for their association with the operation methods and perioperative complications.


CTCs were detected in 60.3% (44/73) of the EC patients but in none of the control subjects. CTC level after the surgery was significantly higher than that during the surgery, and CTC level during the surgery was significantly higher than that before surgery (P < 0.001). The preoperative and intra-operative CTC levels were not significantly different between MIE and OE groups (P > 0.05), but the postoperative CTC level was significantly lower in MIE group than in OE group, and postoperative increment of CTC level (from the preoperative level) was significantly lower in MIE group than in OE group (P < 0.001). The total incidence of postoperative complications was significantly lower in MIE group than in OE group (28.9% vs 54.3%, P=0.023), and in both groups, CTC levels in patients with complications were significantly higher than those in patients without complications (P=0.001 and P=0.005 in MIE and OE groups, respectively).


MIE may help to reduce the number of peripheral blood CTCs early after the operation, and dynamic monitoring CTCs level assists in evaluation of the prognosis of EC patients. CTC level may serve as an indicator for monitoring the prognosis of EC.

Keywords: esophageal cancer, esophagectomy, circulating tumor cells, CanPatrolTM


目前,食管癌的手术治疗已经非常成熟,但预后不良且5年生存率只有20% [4],其主要原因是由肿瘤的转移和复发引起的[5]。当前临床发现和诊断肿瘤的主要方法是肿瘤标志物检测和影像学检查[6]。肿瘤标志物检测有助于早期发现肿瘤,其缺点是特异性较差,易出现假阳性结果。影像学检查一般只能发现生长到一定大小的肿瘤,因此患者用这些方法检查出肿瘤时,往往已经失去了早期治疗的机会[7]。循环肿瘤细胞(CTCs)是指由肿瘤原发灶或转移灶进入血液循环的肿瘤细胞[8],在2007年CTCs被ASCO推荐为肿瘤标志物[9]。相关研究已明确可以在食管癌中检测到CTCs,并且动态监测CTCs对于评估食管癌患者的治疗效果有重要意义[10]。然而截至目前不同食管癌手术方式对CTCs水平是否存在影响罕有报道,且尚未有较全面的研究,本研究采用第二代CTCs检测技术-CanPatrolTM,对食管癌患者围手术期外周血CTCs进行动态监测,并对比分析MIE和OE术式在治疗食管癌患者中的作用及其对外周血CTCs水平的影响,为临床手术方式的选择及食管癌患者的预后判断提供参考。

1. 资料和方法

1.1. 临床资料

随机选取2015年10月~2017年10月期间在本研究中心确诊的食管癌患者的临床资料,具体纳入标准为:(1)基于术前全身骨扫描和其他器官的影像学检查有手术指征且无转移性病变者;(2)通过术前常规检查对食管癌切除术可耐受者;(3)根据术前影像检查,肿瘤最长横径≤6 cm且无明显外侵的患者;(4)无明显因胸膜广泛粘连延长手术时间者;(5)术前未接受放疗和化疗的患者;(6)术后病理结果由第8版UICC/AJCC食管癌TNM分期系统进行病理分期[11]。排除标准:(1)不能耐受手术者;(2)手术资料不全者;(3)随访24周内患者死亡。最终,共73例食管癌患者被纳入MIE组(n=38)和OE组(n=35)。同时选择同期在本研究中心检查良性食管疾病患者(包括5例食管憩室症,3例贲门失弛缓症和2例食管良性肿瘤)和10例志愿者为对照组。本研究由我院伦理委员会批准,所有患者均签署书面知情同意书。

1.2. 手术方式

1.2.1. MIE组Ivor-Lewis术式


Mc Keown术式:麻醉满意后,先左侧卧位,胸腔镜下游离食管上至胸膜顶下至膈肌裂孔并清扫胸腔内淋巴结,后平卧位,腹腔镜游离胃并进行腹腔淋巴结清扫,制作管状胃。于左侧颈部做一3~4 cm切口,游离颈段食管,上提管状胃至颈部行食管胃吻合。

1.2.2. OE组

麻醉满意后,取右侧卧位。于左胸第6肋间后外侧做约20 cm切口进胸。游离食管,清扫胸腔内淋巴结,再经膈游离胃并清扫腹腔淋巴结,制作管状胃并提至胸腔,行主动脉弓上或弓下吻合。

1.3. 检测方法

本研究采用广州益善生物公司开发的将生物化学和细胞物理性质相结合的分离方法-CanPatrolTM技术检测食管癌患者外周血中的CTCs [12]。其原理为:首先裂解外周血中的红细胞,并利用CTCs与白细胞的大小差异通过纳米技术进行CTCs的分离和富集,然后通过多重mRNA原位分析方法对富集的CTCs进行特异性基因核酸定位,从而达到对CTCs进行分型和鉴定的目的[13]。

每例患者分别于术前、术中、术后进行血液样本采集。术前血液样本于手术前3 d采集;术中血液样本于肿瘤切除及淋巴结清扫完毕后采集;术后血液样本分别于术后3 d及术后2周采集。使用8号采血针和枸橼酸抗凝管采取8 mL外周血,血样采集后将采血管上下颠倒混匀10次,后将标本放置于冰袋中,24 h内送往广州益善生物公司实验室进行检测。CTCs阳性界定标准:食管癌患者外周血中检测到的CTCs数量≥2个/5 mL为阳性,而CTCs数量<2个/5 mL为阴性[14]。

1.4. 统计方法


2. 结果

2.1. 两组食管癌患者一般资料比较和术前CTCs检测情况

MIE组和OE组分别由38例和35例食管癌患者组成。两组间患者在年龄、性别、吸烟史、肿瘤部位、组织学类型及术后病理分期等方面差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05,表 1)。按照CTCs阳性界定标准,对照组10例食管良性疾病者和10例健康志愿者CTCs检测结果均为阴性。73例食管癌患者中,MIE组阳性率为55.3% (21/38),OE组阳性率为65.7% (23/35),两组之间CTCs阳性率比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.831,P=0.362,表 2)。



Comparison of clinicopathological factors of the patients in the two groups[n (%) unless specified otherwise]

CharacteristicsMIE group (n=38)OE group (n=35)t/χ2PMIE: Minimally invasive esophagectomy; OE: Open esophagectomy. a: hypertension, diabetes, pulmonary tuberculosis, cardiovascular disease, previous tumors, COPD.Genderχ2=0.5710.450  Male30(78.9)30(85.7)  Female8(21.1)5(14.3)Age(year, Mean±SD)59.4±7.659.6±7.7t=0.0990.921Esophageal cancer siteχ2=01360.892  Upper3(7.9)3(8.6)  Middle25(65.8)22(62.9)  Bottom10(26.3)10(28.5)Histologyχ2=0.2310.631  Squamous carcinoma34(89.5)29(82.8)  Adenocarcinoma4(10.5)6(17.2)Clinical Stageχ2=0.4670.642  Ⅰa2(5.3)1(2.9)  Ⅰb5(13.2)5(14.3)  Ⅱa10(26.3)9(25.7)  Ⅱb7(18.4)4(11.4)  Ⅲa4(10.5)5(14.3)  Ⅲb10(26.3)11(31.4)T Stageχ2=7.6290.054  T1a4(10.5)2(5.7)  T1b3(7.9)4(11.4)  T211(28.9)12(34.3)  T320(52.6)17(48.6)N Stageχ2=13310.514  N024(63.2)19(54.3)  N110(26.3)9(25.7)  N24(10.5)7(20.0)Preoperative complicationsaχ2=2.0170.156  Yes4(10.5)8(22.9)  No34(89.5)27(77.1)Smoking historyχ2=0.7360.391  Yes19(50.0)21(60.0)  No19(50.0)14(40.0)

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Comparison of circulating tumor cell-positive rate between MIE group and OE group[n (%)]

(negative)χ2PMIE: Minimally invasive esophagectomy; OE: Open esophagectomy.MIE group3821 (55.3)17(44.7)0.8310.362OE group3523 (65.7)12 (34.3)

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2.2. 不同手术阶段CTCs水平的变化

通过CanPatrolTM技术检测术前和术后CTCs水平。统计分析显示:在73例食管癌患者中,术中CTCs水平高于术前(z=-6.231,P=0.000),术后3 d CTCs水平高于术中(z=-7.381,P=0.000),差异均有统计学意义。MIE组和OE组CTCs水平在术前与术中比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但MIE组术后(3 d)外周血CTCs水平显著低于OE组(z=-5.141,P=0.000,表 3)。CTCs增幅水平从术前至术后(3 d)在MIE组显著低于OE组(图 1),差异有统计学意义(z=-6.068,P=0.000)。



Comparison of CTC levels at different stages in MIE group and OE group (Mean±SD)

GroupPre-operativeIntra-operativePostoperative (3days)Postoperative (2weeks)①P < 0.001 between intra-operation and pre-operation; ②P < 0.001between postoperation and intra-operation; ③P < 0.001, compare the postoperation between OE and MIE group.MIE group (n=38)2.74±3.094.55±3.328.05±3.693.81±2.06OE group (n=35)2.86±3.085.00±3.2416.51±8.20 ③6.28±3.56Total (n=73)2.79±3.064.54±3.28 ①12.11±7.54 ②5.00±3.11

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Effect of different surgical methods on CTC levels during the perioperative period.

2.3. CTCs水平与术后2周并发症之间的关系

两组食管癌患者在手术时间、术中出血量及术后(2周)并发症的发生均有显著性差异(P<0.05,表 4)。MIE组术后(2周)总并发症发生率为28.9% (11/38),明显低于OE组的54.3%(19/35),差异有统计学意义(z=-2.277,P=0.023),术后2周再次检测每组患者的CTCs水平,在每组患者中,有严重并发症患者的CTCs水平显著高于手术结果良好的患者(P=0.001;P=0.005,表 5)。



Intra-and postoperative complications in MIE group and OE group (Mean±SD)

GroupMIE group (n=38)OE group (n=35)t/χ2Pa: pulmonary infection, pulmonary atelectasis, hydropneumothorax and fiberbronchoscope suction.Operation time (min)368.9±33.0268.3±32.4t=-13.1200.000Intra-operation blood loss (mL)205.5±79.4250.9±90.1t=2.2860.025Lymph node dissection count (each)11.3±5.312.0±3.4t=0.6860.495Intrathoracic drain removed (days)5.8±1.26.2±1.5t=1.1610.250Postoperative eating time (days)6.5±0.86.8±0.9t=1.9420.056Hospital stays (days)19.8±1.820.3±1.9t=1.2430.218Pulmonary complicationsa (case)510χ2=2.6510.103Anastomotic fistula (case)23Anastomotic stricture (case)12Chylothorax (case)11Delayed gastric emptying (case)12Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury (case)21Arrhythmia (case)22Perioperative death (case)01

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CTCs levels and occurrence of complications at 2 weeks after surgery (Mean±SD)

GroupCTCs levelzPWithout complicationsWith complicationsMIE group (27/11)2.96±1.195.91±2.30-3.2880.001OE group (16/19)3.81±1.648.37±3.42-2.8190.005

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3. 讨论







郭鑫,硕士研究生,E-mail: moc.361@5811505nixoug

Funding Statement



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